Social Media

Have you ever noticed when you post things on social media, it always have a way of getting Karma involved? Good or bad, karma always comes around and says hello…

I have always said, never post things of social media because in the end you either look like a hero for posting what you posted or a complete idiot because what you posted has now occurred in your life.

Ya, okay so what, we all post things on social media sometimes without even realizing it.. People now of days are pathetic, they would rather sit there and lurk your social media accounts, post all these statuses, they never seem think to look in the mirror and ask them self, is this happening to me?

Social media and karma I swear are best friends!…

Do you agree? Tell me your thoughts and opinions!! 

We Are All Someones Child.

When you think of a homeless person what is the first thing that pops into your mind? Crackhead? Drug Addict? Loser? Lowlife? Weirdo? How can anyone sleep on the street?..

Ever stop and think that person is someones child?

The next time you see someone living on the street, buy them lunch or a hot drink, or better yet! have a conversation with them. Learn their story before you make a judgement. A simple conversation can go a long way.

-We Are All Someones Child-

The Devil Within…

“”The Addict Mind Never Stops.””

We all have that one person in our life that means the world to us. We would do anything and everything for that one soul; countless heartbreaks, sleepless nights, countless amount of shredded tears they have caused. In the North American society we were taught, when we love someone, we will stick by, support and love them no matter what how much negativity they bring-forth.

When the devil takes over, they do really mean to hurt us? Should we say to ourself; don’t be mad, it’s not them hurting us, it’s the devil taking over within?

The cycle of an addict will never change, until they hit rock bottom. Does an addict really know when they have hit rock bottom? What is rock bottom?

When is it time to say; enough is enough? When is it time to truly walk away from our loved one?